Great stories

Bliss 16/30

Bliss for me is getting a facial or a massage.

Bliss is finding a birth parent

Bliss is waking up to a new DNA Match

Bliss is walking along the beach

Bliss is laughing with friends

Bliss is being down the river fishing with my family

Bliss is singing at the top of my lungs

Bliss is coffee in the morning

Bliss is having flowers in my house

Bliss is sewing, creating or making things 

Bliss is helping someone out

Bliss is, and can be so many things, What does Bliss look like for you?

Great stories

Guide Them 15/30

What is it like to work with me? 

This is a tough question for me to answer as each of my clients has had different reasons for reaching out to work with me.

So let me explain it broadly.

I start with a session one on one getting your story and working together to work out what you are searching for, what your research goals are and ideally what you want to know.

I then, work backwards and look at what research you have already started, what DNA tests have you already taken and what do you already know about your family.

From there we work out a plan to move forward and what the steps will be and move on from there.

Sometimes I will take time to review DNA Results, research family trees and suggest getting further information.

I am super adaptable and happy to guide and advise where I can and I will be honest if I don’t know something and will refer out to other providers if I feel that this is needed.

Being a health professional, I am aware of the issues of confidentiality and at times this is of upmost importance especially in adoption and unknown parentage cases. I am guided by you.

Emotional support along the journey is provided. Feelings and emotions pop up; both positive and negative along the journey. Please share this with me and I will provide support to you.

I look forward to working with a variety of clients, With each case, I learn more and each case has been challenging at times emotionally for me too. But this is how we all grow. 

I hope this has given you a rough idea of what is it like to work with me. Please reach out to me if you want to know more. 

Great stories

Quick Hack 14/30

I love to be able to share with others when they are learning where they come from. I have some quick hacks that will get your started

Are you interested in learning more about your past? Are you interested in knowing where you come from? Would you like to be connected to your ancestors? 

Sometimes knowing where to start can be a challenge.

Below are some of my Quick Hacks that may get you started on your journey. 

1. Order a DNA Ancestry Test – Results will take 6-8 weeks to come back to you so you want to get this done first so you can be working on other things while waiting for your results to come back. Order your kit from here – Ancestry 

2. Start a family tree on Ancestry. You can create a family tree online for free without having a membership. Start with yourself and work backwards. Add in Birth Dates, Death Dates and Locations if you know them. Work on both sides of the tree

3. Speak to family members and ask them to share what they know. Is there someone in the family whom has already started a family tree. Is there a family member who holds records or photos. Could you put a post on social media and ask your family to share?

4. Interview your oldest family member – how nice is it to have a voice recording of your loved ones to pass down the generations. Consider DNA testing them too.

5. Research online and in local family history libraries to see what information about your family.

6. Consider joining a Family History Group – Sharing of knowledge and learning from others can be very helpful. I have made some great friends at my local history group. 

7. Ask lots of questions – be curious and write down the answers.

8. Have FUN!! There are some great stories and information out there waiting for you to discover

I look forward to hearing what you find and would love you to share with me what you find!

Great stories

My Favorite Human 13/30

Meet my favourite human – My Fiancee Jay

We met online and have been hanging out together ever since. He must think I’m ok too as he asked me to marry him in August last year. 

While Covid has thrown Wedding plans – Im sure we will get planning again once things settle down.

Jay is calm and reassuring, but knows how to press my buttons and get me stirred up and motivated.

We share some common values of travel and adventures but he is a great photographer in his own right.

He was definately worth the wait and is my favorite human.