What a fantastic conference that was!! For the first conference of its type in Australia that was an amazing success. Congratulations to the team at Unlock the Past for creating such a wonderful event. I cant wait for the next one.
Highlights of the last 3 days for me:
* The discussions around informed consent – I know I will be changing my practices, when asking people to take a DNA test
* I have an increased awareness of the need for support, for all who have surprises pop up, when taking a DNA test, and I am more conscious of the ripple effect on families when surprises and secret are discovered
* The exciting changes that are coming for use the DNA testing in the future including the use of DNA to inform about Medical information eg Medications and conditions
* Chromosome Mapping and Visual Phasing – Thanks Blaine Bettinger for allowing the nerd in me, to be excited about this. Linking the ancestoral stories to the chromosomes was a lightbulb moment for me!
* The rise is DNA testing is increasing the awareness of the need for Genealogical societies and showing others the joy of traditional Genealogical research.
I am excited to think that we are going to see many more DNA testers in Australia and that I have potentially have many more cousins to meet.

I made another Cousin connection – Shelley Crawford from Connected DNA
https://www.connecteddna.com/ She is my 7th Cousin 3x removed and was my closest match of the weekend.
Shelley creates these amazing graphs of your shared cousin matches which look amazing!
I have followed her blog for a little while and wonder what segment of DNA we share that might make us think that this stuff is super fun! Would be cool if we could link it back to our common ancestor.

I can’t not mention my friend and Mentor Louise Coakley. She has taught me all I know about the world of DNA and I would be lost without her. She was inspiring on this tour and I loved seeing so many people come and say hi as well as, thank her for all she has done to assist and teach others.

Thanks to all the old and new friends I made – I will be sure to forget someone if I try to list you all, but I look forward to seeing you online or catching you in person at the next DNA Down Under. I am off to get painting some chromosomes!
Loved reading your report Melanie and will link to it in my round up report.
So good to catch up with you Mel and see and share your enthusiasm at DNA Downunder.
Thank you for the kind words, Melanie! I’m so pleased you made it to DNA Down Under Sydney and I enjoyed our time together meeting new and old friends and having lots of laughs. I love your ‘Are you my cousin?’ t-shirt – which was so appropriate for DNADU! Louise 🙂