Private Investigation and Skip Tracing
What is Skip Tracing?
Skip tracing is locating the whereabouts of a person.
This may be used for several reasons, from debt collection and repossession, process serving or in The DNA Connection’s Work – Missing Relatives, friends or acquaintances or Genealogy searching.
The DNA Connection specialises in the search for missing relatives and genealogy.
With Mel’s nursing background she has a strong emphasis on confidentiality and privacy of information.
Mel has been trained by Brad Lyons from Thinkedu and has additional skills in skip tracing which includes searching for people in unique ways additional to her private investigator training.
Find my Family is a TV show that Mel watched frequently and is a term that people understand when private investigators use to explain what they do when they are searching for lost family, which may include birth parents, unknown siblings, half brothers and sisters, ex partners or lovers, old school friends and anyone else that you have lost from your past.
Are you missing a family member or someone from your past?
This is one area of work that The DNA Connection specialises in and gets so much joy from. It is highly rewarding work, and we are happy to assist to reconnect you.
We have access to online databases that assist us with our searching and the costs are reasonable.
Please reach out to us via email to make a time to have a quick obligation free chat so that she can provide you with a quote.
We look forward to reconnecting you with your missing friend or lost loved one.