There is so much to love about life right now. During these covid times I have been able to enjoy more time to get researching and working on cases.
I have loved being home just a little bit more and hanging with the four legged creatures that share our home.
My craft room has been rearranged many times and the quilt that I am working on has been sewn and unpicked too many times to count – (Im on the hunt to borrow a long arm quilting machine if anyone knows anyone with one)
I have loved that FINALLY Cairns restaurants have opened more options for home delivery or take away – Thanks Iyara by Sakare for my fav thai
I love that my local coffee hangout – Barista Sista has stayed open so I can get my fav coffee
I love that I have had more zoom calls and phone calls with friends and family.
I love that we are able to get out and explore further afield again. #shouldbeflyingtobalitoday #watcchthisspace
Well I’m off to do more that I love this weekend with DNA Drop in Clinic at Cairns Family History
#contentology #day5 #love