Adoption, Great stories

Soul Chat 2/30

Are you adopted or missing a family member?

I see you and I have heard the challenges that you have faced across your life.

Its painful and challenging to live with not knowing and always wondering why or what if….

I know in my heart that my purpose is to bring connections from the past to the present, that might be in a number of different ways and for a multitude of different reasons.

I believe we all have the right to connect to our ancestors and find the answers that we seek.

So this is where I bear my soul a little…..  For the past few years I have been working on developing The DNA Connection but felt held back by my professional career as a nurse. 

Its only in the last few months that I have reflected that all the skills I have learnt while being a nurse holds me in great stead for the work that happens within The DNA Connection.

I look forward to sharing my soul and learning about the souls of my clients from both the past and the future. 

#soulchat #contentology #day2 

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